Source code for spotifylib.spotifylibexceptions

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# File:
Main module Exceptions file

Put your exception classes here

__author__ = '''Oriol Fabregas <>'''
__docformat__ = 'plaintext'
__date__ = '''18-09-2017'''

[docs]class SpotifyError(Exception): """ Generic error handler while interacting with Spotify API These errors appear when trying to get access grants and we get a ``400`` Error Examples: --------- - Wrong client_id ``'INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid client'`` - Wrong response_type ``'response_type must be code or token'`` - Invalid scope ``'INVALID_SCOPE: Invalid scope'`` - Invalid CSRF cookie ``'{"error":"errorCSRF"}'`` - Invalid redirect_uri ``'Illegal redirect_uri'`` """ pass